Conception of Illustrative Work
In our days illustration is regarded to be an independent visual art inseparable from book, i.e. a picture, drawing, in one word, the graphics. Since in a book words are, first of all, dominating, so the illustration ( the picture), the decorative motive should emphasize the text. The aim of book illustration, the book graphics cannot be similar to that of a picture hanging on the wall, as it is an organic part of the text, and serves to complement the story in an optical way. The aim of illustration is to strengthen the illusion and atmosphere generated by the text, and to show it to the reader in a more definite form. For this reason, book illustration has a special importance for children. We may say that the illustration of story- books, schoolbooks, books for the young and any literary work for children plays an essential role, which is the fruit of mutual work of the customer and the graphic. The illustrator’s responsibility is great as it is he or she who with his or her drawings, graphics between the written content and the world of fantasy. It is important that with the help of imaging means he or she should express the plot of a book in a competent way. It can be stated that the visual beauty of a book is identified by the illustrator’s efficiency, his or her creative and abundant image world. The task of a creative graphic is no more than to give a colorful and lasting visual experience.